antiracismantiracistequity school leadership

Antiracist Hiring and BIPOC Retention Workshop – March 19th

Ok. We want to have a more diverse staff right? But how do we get there? What do we ask? And how do we avoid tokenization? Find out at the workshop.


Date: Saturday, March 19th
Time: 9am-12pm PST
Cost: $75 (20% off for groups of 5 or more)
Format: Zoom with supporting apps
Register here:



It’s hiring season! This is an opportunity to put antiracism into practice and policy. In this workshop, we will help you understand the context, explore sample questions, structuring the conversation, and what you can do after you hire BIPOC staff. We also will offer 10 questions that antiracist educators can ask to schools, to determine if it is a good fit for them.



  • Get clear on key racial equity terms related to hiring such as “tokenization” and “white gaze”
  • Discuss our hiring practices and outcomes
  • Review 10 questions to incorporate into your interviews
  • Learn where racism is baked into the overall hiring process
  • Consider how to leverage the the voices of BIPOC educators within our systems

Feedback from Past Attendees

“We need to do some WORK to remove barriers for racialized applicants”
“Accountability is key. As administartors how do we keep the accountability growing?”
“There is still a lot of work to do. We have a lot of subtle racist acts especially in our hiring.”
“Work within these confines to press as far as possible. And work to change the confines”
