Be brave. Be bold. Fight for racial justice in schools.
Racial Equity Consulting
Truss Leadership is a racial equity consulting company that provides professional development and a systems-thinking approach to improving outcomes for students and staff.
We want to help you dismantle power structures and center our most marginalized students.
We bring two decades of experience working with schools and Truss Leadership has served thousands of educators across the globe.
We work with companies, non-profit organizations and school districts to clarify and implement their vision. Services include presentations, keynotes, workshops, year-long courses, and conferences.
Find out how we can help you engineer for racial equity and transform your organization.
DEI Resources
On our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Resource page there are materials to push your thinking and grow your practice. You can find book reviews, interviews with educational experts, and reflections from practitioners. Whether you are looking to blow up your bell schedule, reduce suspensions, or start a racial affinity space, we have you covered. Project-based learning, culturally responsive teaching, and improving staff meetings are also featured.
Or start with our antiracist educator book list, that has been visited over 400,000 times.
These racial equity resources are a preview of the services that Truss Leadership provides to educators, leaders, and school districts. Don’t forget to subscribe to our email list to receive updates in your inbox.

Learn About Antiracism