equity school leadership

75,000 Views Just for Talking Shit – Highlights and Updates

It still amazes me that folks are following my blog and appreciating my writing. But 75,000 views is unbelievable. Here’s a few highlights and updates of things to come from Culturally Responsive Leadership and Truss Leadership.

Blogging? I’m just Talking Shit

To be clear, I am just writing reflections, provocations, and talking some high falutin shit online. Talking shit to the white male power structure. It’s nice that we have a name for this, blogging, and it’s semi-respected. A few book reviews and sharing stories. Add in some rants about racial equity and I stumbled upon something interesting here.

I love the fact that there is little to no accountability. Every now and then, something I say rubs someone the wrong way, but that means I’m on the edge. I never write to make folks comfortable. Plenty of that shit in mainstream and moderate media. And socialized into our minds to deter us from transformational or revolutionary ideas. I’ll keep on the margins, sparking thoughts outside the box. Or thoughts to blow up the box.

Milestones Matter

Milestones mean something. It is important that we celebrate. We all work so hard and rarely take the time to acknowledge big events. As a kid, I stopped looking forward to birthdays and holidays. Not sure why. Maybe because we couldn’t really afford to celebrate them or because my mom was not very excited ever. But as an adult, I have learned to be happier and acknowledge greatness. My wife has helped tremendously with this.

So let’s celebrate!

Here are a few highlights of the past few months

Launch of my Business “Truss Leadership”

I thought that someday in the far future, I’d have a consulting business, like in my 50s or something, after I spent many years in schools and districts, but it happened much sooner. Frankly, I needed to have a legit business to streamline all presentations, workshops, and coaching. It was pretty surreal going to San Francisco’s City Hall and getting a business license. Creating a logo was pretty fun, especially after my years of trying to teach myself graphic design. Now it’s up and running, tax ID, accounting and insurance. I can hear MC Hammer somewhere singing, “2 Legit to Quit.” I’m looking forward to keeping it running.

My First Full Day Workshop

At first, I didn’t think folks would sign up and show up. But they did. This process really solidified why I want to do this work and what work I want to do. Shifting mindsets to shift practices to better meet the needs of marginalized students. In short, building racial equity conciseness. This session got me excited about creating more space and pushing the envelope. Reflections here.

Finished Year 4 and Looking to Year 5

My fourth year as principal is in the books. When I started, I figured 3 years maybe 5, but here I am zooming into the 5th one with long terms plans. There is so much work to do and I know it’s overwhelming and feels like a set up. I almost thought of giving it up, in December, in February, and again in May. But I can do this. I am blessed with this opportunity. My students and community deserve consistency and excellence. I am working towards this each day.

I got all of great books from this list!

I’m definitely excited about reaching 75,000 views and seeing which blog post are most popular. There’s a lot more to come in the next few months.

Coming Soon

  • Here’s what you can expect in 2019:
    • I will be offering another Dismantling White Supremacy Culture in Schools workshop, in the Fall, for teacher teams
      I’ll be finishing up a readable draft of my chapter in the “Leading in the Belly of the Beast Book”
      Might be working on another book chapter or 2
      I’m creating some new partnerships with organizations and hopefully a few school districts
      I’ll be offering 1:1 coaching to at least 2 leader

    Damn, that’s a lot. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.