40+ Books for AntiRacist Teachers – White Fragiles Beware! (2022 update)
You want to start a book club and talk about race. Don’t let white fragility stop you. I got 40 books for anti-racist educators!
Read MoreYou want to start a book club and talk about race. Don’t let white fragility stop you. I got 40 books for anti-racist educators!
Read MoreCan we bring Project-Based Learning to the Hood? Most people would say no, and these thoughts are heavily based on implicit bias and White Supremacy Culture. Culturally responsive leaders must be prepared to call it out and reframe the work of moving towards deeper learning.
Read MoreI am so done with suspensions. I said it. They’re racist and dehumanizing. Suspensions support anti-Blackness and the overall racial hierarchy in the United States. Check out 40 questions to ask yourself before you suspend a student again.
Read MoreWhite Supremacy Culture is running rampant through your schools. What are you going to do about it?
Read MoreWhat the hell are we supposed to be doing during “distance learning”? How do we make it feel more human? Here are my thoughts on the coronavirus, distance learning, and what it means for our education system.
Read MoreWe don’t have time for Teachers to be neutral in the classroom. That shit is a luxury of your privilege. Black people are dying and here’s what you should do about it.
Read More4000 educators have taken part in this training. I am excited to offer my next workshop. 2 days of going deeper than diversity. Let’s talk about White Supremacy Culture in schools.
Read MoreWe should address White Supremacy Culture in our schools, but where do we start? What conversations can you have with staff? See what I observed and learned from starting this work with my school.
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